Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Tune to Hear

Every Thursday I go and spend time with my friend Sarah. She is taking this semester off cause she has to get some surgeries. Her first one is done and she is actually starting to walk again without her crutches which is great! Tonight we started listening to CD's that I had made for Matt that she got from him. She hadn't put any of the song names or artists in so we listening to about 100 songs and trying to figure out the name of the song and the artist. Its actually quite fun to try and remember all of those songs and remember all the memories that go with them. 
Music is one of my favorite things in the world. There is so much to it. There is emotions, memories, and just fun times. Music is filled with love, anger, happiness, sadness, and any feeling you can think of. The music I listen to depends on my mood and what helps me calm down. Music has body and soul to it. Sometimes I feel like the music is talking to me and is just taking away all of my frustrations. 
Other music is just fun. My favorite is playing rockband with a bunch of people and just having fun. Its great just for some laughs and just great time with friends!
Music creates great memories and emotions to last a life time!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Ive thought about writing a book. I'm not really sure what it would be about or if it would be any good, but I think it would be quite interesting to write a book. I have thought of ideas before but than I have thought that there is no way that I could fill up an entire book with thoughts about such a topic. I'll sit and read other books trying to get ideas or just to see how they actually can write about a certain topic or about multiple topics that focus around a central idea. I'm amazed every time because the book flows and it makes a statement that doesn't make you wonder what the write was talking about. To be honest I am jealous of writers cause they can write so elegantly and put their thoughts down so well. I think writers are some of the best communicators in life because they can write so well. They know how to put their thoughts into words and because of that many people can see those thoughts and can either agree with them or not. A writer can bring you into their world of thoughts almost like you were thinking them. It is such an amazing talent and can have such a great affect on those who read it. Thanks to all you writers who write such amazing pieces that give us a glimpse into your world!