Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Feeling or An Action

I wish I knew how to love. Its something I take for granted. It seems to be right there but its become just like air. Its something you need to live but unlike air we need to actually consciously do something. Breathing in air doesn't always need a thought, your body just does it to stay alive. I think loving has become the same way. We need it to live so we just do it but without thinking. Love should be something more than just a subconscious action though. Its more than a thought or a feeling, its a choice that you make everyday. 

I've heard of love being described in so many different ways. The one that I agree with most was when I was talking to my friend about his relationship with his girlfriend. She was studying abroad and we were talking about how things were going between them and he was talking about how everyday he loves her. He wrote an email to her everyday even if it was just a small hello. He said that yes emotionally he loved her but it was even more than that. Everyday he made the choice to love her. It was more than just a feeling to him because he knew that those "feelings" wouldn't last forever.
Love is more than a noun to describe our feelings, its a verb, something that we have to do. We have to work at our relationships and show that we love the other person. You wouldn't believe a person who said they loved you if they just came up to you and said it. You love someone one by giving them time, caring for them, and getting to know them. You love through what you do.

I don't think that this is all there is to love because its the most complicated thing that can ever be known to man. Yet strive to love to your fullest. Let love be your way of doing things. Begin to know love so that love may know you. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Living Like There's No Tomorrow

I have been thinking lately about what it means to really live as if tomorrow were to never come. Is it really a practical way to live life? Being in college it seems a rather odd thing to say that I would live like tomorrow will not come. I would quit school and go and give my time to being with friends and helping in homeless shelters. I would go on missions trip and be a light for Christ.
But then I thought to myself that this seems impractical. God has given me a talent for learning. It would be a waste to let that go and not learn to become something greater so I can use that gift later in life to live for God. Even if it means that my time is spent now studying and going to school, I believe that if I use my talents for God it is towards his glory. It might be in a different way but we are all apart of something and have a different talent to serve God and shine His light.
The question is how you will use it and what does it truly mean to live like tomorrow may never come. For me living like there will be no tomorrow is to be who I am because if I would live any differently then I wouldn't be myself. I would be trying to be someone that I am not and living a lie that was trying to be for God. Living my life like tomorrow is not going to come is just being who I am and using the talents God gave me for his glory!

So live like there is no tomorrow and be yourself!

Friday, February 5, 2010

An absolute right

Today in our philosophy class we started talking about whether or not human beings have an absolute right to anything. As our discussion went on we kept asking questions and defining terms and how those terms were defined would change how we perceived the answer to be. We talked about having an absolute right to life and how that right depended really on what you believe. I really still don't get philosophy at all because right before class ended the professor basically said that there is never really any right answer to anything which I totally disagree with. If we could never know anything than what would be the point of actually living. We were given the gift of life from God. A gift that was great and yet we sit and waste it away. 
This gift of life is like getting food when you are starving. Yet instead of taking that food and eating it to give yourself nourishment to live you set it aside and let it rot. We were given a life to live and yet we set it aside for our own selfish ambitions. 
We live in a world that always wants and asks for more and yet right in front of us is sitting the gift that could give us all that and yet we set it aside to try and find it by ourselves. We want the right to speak freely, the right to bear arms, the right to have money, the right to have anything we want and do anything to get it. We want so much that the original gift is piled so deep under so many other wants that how can we expect to actually be able to have anything else if we don't even have the gift of life to live?