Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Living Like There's No Tomorrow

I have been thinking lately about what it means to really live as if tomorrow were to never come. Is it really a practical way to live life? Being in college it seems a rather odd thing to say that I would live like tomorrow will not come. I would quit school and go and give my time to being with friends and helping in homeless shelters. I would go on missions trip and be a light for Christ.
But then I thought to myself that this seems impractical. God has given me a talent for learning. It would be a waste to let that go and not learn to become something greater so I can use that gift later in life to live for God. Even if it means that my time is spent now studying and going to school, I believe that if I use my talents for God it is towards his glory. It might be in a different way but we are all apart of something and have a different talent to serve God and shine His light.
The question is how you will use it and what does it truly mean to live like tomorrow may never come. For me living like there will be no tomorrow is to be who I am because if I would live any differently then I wouldn't be myself. I would be trying to be someone that I am not and living a lie that was trying to be for God. Living my life like tomorrow is not going to come is just being who I am and using the talents God gave me for his glory!

So live like there is no tomorrow and be yourself!

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