Friday, March 18, 2011

Big Words | Love

Love isn't something that can be put into words. It's an action. Something that is done. Love is not a descriptor that describes a feeling. It can but it is something far greater than just an emotion. It is something that we do and must show that makes love. 

Humans have tried for generations to put love into words. There are books and books about what love is and how we should fix it between people. We think that we have to recreate that sort of high feeling of emotion that we get when we "first love" someone. Is that really love though? I would say its not. It takes time to learn to love a person. You have to learn to accept them for who they are and everything that comes with that. 

A lot of time Christians say that we are to hate the sin and love the person. The only problem with that is that the reason for the sin is the person. If you hate the sin you hate the person. If you start to look past the bad things of people you aren't really loving them. You are just trying to love because you are told to love so you look past who they are and fake love them. You don't accept them you just make them into someone else and that is definitely not loving someone. 

Love comes from being able to accept a person as they are. That can be the hardest part about being able to love people. Accepting who they are. Accepting a person means we have to go out of ourself and not let yourself get in the way. Our selfish desires go on the backburner and the other person needs becomes more important. Slowly love becomes more than a feeling and becomes an action. Something that we want to do. 

Love is not an easy thing because you cannot expect anything in return. Just because you love someone does not mean that you will get that love in return. Loving people does not become easier because of that. It may be easier to learn to love people but the more love you give out the harder it becomes. You being to feel sad for the people you love because you feel their pain. Its as if you begin to bear that weight that was on their shoulders. Yet it is love that brings us through this and brings about something beautiful. 

Love is still something far more than this but its an idea of what one aspect of love might be. Love is something great and can bring about something beautiful. 

"By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers."
I John 3:16

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