Monday, January 24, 2011


One of the hardest things in life is to forgive yourself. Its the oddest thing. It should be easy but we carry around our mistakes and pick them apart. We try and figure out what we could have done different or how we are going to fix it so that next time we won't make the same mistake. It starts to consume us and forgiving ourselves and moving on doesn't ever seem to be our first thought or option. 

I get a daily C.S. Lewis quote and that was what the quote was about today. He said "If God forgives us we must forgive ourselves otherwise its like setting up ourselves as a higher tribunal than Him" -CSLewis. That's what got me thinking about this and how once we have accepted Jesus Christ our sins are forgiven and yet we rarely act as if they are. We let our past experiences take control of us and keep our darkest secrets hidden. Now I'm not saying go out and say to the whole world what your darkest secrets are but learn to trust those who are close to you and that love you. They will help you understand just how forgiven your sins are. 

The shame of sin is nothing compared to the love of Jesus and how that love is shown. There is no reason to not forgive yourself and move on. If the one who created you can do it than shouldn't we be able to as well?

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